Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Indonesiaku, Nasibmu Kini

Entah apa yang terjadi di negeri ini, negeri yang katanya menjunjung tinggi perikemanusiaan, negeri yang ramah, santun dan beradab. Namun, peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini seakan menghapus image tersebut yang telah terbangun bahkan sebelum Indonesia ada.

Setiap hari kita disuguhi peristiwa memilukan. Bentrokan dan pembunuhan sudah lazim, bahkan sudah menjadi menu santapan di media-media nasional. Demonstrasi yang seyogyanya untuk perbaikan tak jarang berujung anarkis dan mengorbankan nyawa, infrastruktur dan mengganggu aktivitas ekonomi.

Ada apa di negeri ini? Dimana nyawa seorang manusia seolah tidak berharga lagi. Tengoklah beberapa kekerasan yang menghilangkan nyawa orang lain bahkan dengan cara yang sangat tidak manusiawi. Aku ngeri dengan moral bangsa ini yang semakin tak terkendali.

Jika ada yang harus bertanggung jawab, siapa? Pemerintahkah, yang telah gagal melindungi warga negaranya?. Aparatkah? yang telah gagal menghadirkan kenyamanan bagi warga negara? Ah... Aku bingung, setiap hari selain kekerasan yang muncul di media, didominasi oleh politisi yang mengatasnamakan rakyat untuk kepentingan diri dan partainya. Hukum yang selama ini jadi panglima justru jadi permainan.

Ada apa dengan negeri ini? Mungkin kami-kami yang menjadi abdi negara sebagai guru yang ikut gagal dalam menciptakan manusia yang seutuhnya. Karena ternyata banyak manusia yang lupa fitrahnya sebagai manusia dan lebih mirip dengan binatang. Ah aku tau... Ternyata kesalahan terbesar ada pada kami. Pendidikan telah gagal, maka wajar jika semua jadi seperti ini.

Tetapi tangisan negeri ini harus terhenti, harus.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Password Reader

There are a lot of things that can be done on the internet, some activities can be done without have to use an account to do, but there are other activities that require account and password involves. The activities that require passwords and accounts usually related with money or confidential data.

One can never be too careful since there are key logger that can read and capture the passwords so the user can tapped into other people’s account. The password reader can be found in a form of a device or a computer program. Not only the password reader will do harm for an account user, it can also be used to monitor child safety. There are a lot of criminals out there that after young children as their victim, usually they are lurking on social networks. By knowing the child’s account password, parents can monitor the people that are surrounding their child’s environment.

Not only for the password detector, today even the deleted texts on any cell phone also able to be read easily. Remember there is no such thing as being too safe, since crimes can occur to anyone and anywhere, even on places that is least expected such as the home.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Best Quality Tarps that You Need

There’re many benefits for having tarps as cover for your car, tools and other valuable things that you have. It won’t only protect your valuable, but, it can give it longer life. There’re many kinds of tarps cover that you can use. Therefore, you need only choose the right and best one, in order to get real protection. And you don’t need to think long, just visit to find them.

Like it said before, this website has all kinds of tarp that you need. There’s poly tarp that will give you high and durable protection, canvas tarps that suitable for your equipment and many more. There’re also many choices of color here. So, you can choose not only the best quality one, but also, the most beautiful one for you. This website gives you many kinds of tarps categories that you can choose, so, you can easily find the right product that you need. And best of all, they’re affordable. You can save your money here.

For more information about the product, this website has phone number that you can contact to get all answers that you need. Therefore, visit this website right now and find best collection of tarp product for best protection that you need.