Sunday, July 10, 2011

Orientasi Blogging

Terhentak kaget, kasihan. Itulah reaksi yang muncul saat melihat update Google Page Rank blog ini yang tergelincir turun. Sebenarnya reaksi kaget itu tidak perlu ada karena memang blog ini tidak pernah diupdate. Bayangkan saja blog ini terakhir diupdate dengan posting asli pada tanggal 16 Februari 2011. Kurang lebih 5 bulan.

Reaksi kasihan tak lebih karena penyesalan diri yang hampir 24 jam berinteraksi dengan internet tetapi tidak pernah meluangkan waktu untuk membuat tulisan di blog tertuaku ini. Tetapi sudahlah, semuanya sudah terjadi.

Lalu kenapa aku harus semenyesal ini, harusnya tidak. Itu karena dengan penurunan PR ini turut mempengaruhi job paid review yang akhir-akhir ini semakin sedikit bahkan nyaris tidak ada. Setelah sempat membaik, mau tidak mau dengan keadaan seperti sekarang, saya harus bekerja keras lagi untuk berusaha mengangkat PR kembali agar kembali dilirik oleh advertiser.

Blogger matre? Tentu saja, karena prinsipku "blog untuk hidup" bukan sekedar "hidup untuk blog". Dua hal yang maknanya sangat berbeda. Setiap orang memiliki orientasi tersendiri dalam blogging, tetapi saya pribadi telah menetapkan pilihan, dan inilah jalan yang saya pilih dengan blogku, setidaknya saat ini. Meski banyak master blog yang menganggap tujuan seperti yang saya pilih adalah sesat, tetapi sekali lagi, itulah pilihanku. Apakah suatu saat akan berubah? Entahlah...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Online Gold Price Information

Nowadays, saving the money in bank account is not enough. People’s need is developing every year, so they need to make sure that they have enough earning to fulfill their needs. There are several ways that they can do in order to achieve that goal. One of the most effective ways is by having an investment. Gold investment is one of the most common options. The crucial factor that people should pay attention is the price of gold.

Many people choose gold investment, because they can enjoy many benefits. The main benefit is the fact that gold value tends to increase every year. As a result, people can get more profits for their investment. People should consider about the gold price before they decide to buy or sell their gold. There are several types of gold bullion coins that can be chose, like Gold American Eagle, Chinese Gold Panda, Australian Gold Nugget, and others. They can check on the gold prices and choose the one that suits their need.

The gold spot is fixed twice a day in London by using telephone. People should be update with the information, so they won’t experience any loss and enjoy maximum benefits. Internet is the best source for people who want to know a lot of information about gold investment, include the spot gold. The more information that they have is the better.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get Your Own Taste of Brewing Beer

Home brewing beer is such an interesting activity during our leisure. Sure it is a pleasure in our leisure. It is not difficult to do, we can get the guidance in buying guides from beer brewing kit store. Today we can get all the kit easily, just by visiting the online store we can shop there while learning the home brew guidance. Imagine that you can save your budget; you need not to buy many bottles of beer for every party or for completing your leisure. Once you buy the kit, it can be used more than one, two, or three times, you can use it for many times over, every time you want to enjoy your beer.

First that you need to purchase is milled grain at a brew shop, then you get one by one all the equipment such as mash paddle, heavy duty brew kettle, brewing burner, chiller, temperature controller, and some others. If you have read Learn to Home Brew guide you move one step to be master the art of basic beer making. Then you will admit that make delicious ales and lagers are not difficult, in your basement that is turned to be microbrewery. Advance home brewing is easy, right?